First and foremost, I am an active PRINCIPAL. For the past 11 years, I have led nearly 700 students, faculty, and staff to Level 5 status in the role of school leader. Over that time span, I have been blessed to receive several awards and recognitions for the outstanding work that our campus has accomplished together. Some of these include:
- Tennessee Principals Association Board of Directors, 2017-present
- NAESP National Distinguished Principal, 2017
- Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, Principal of the Year, 2017
These experiences have afforded me the opportunity to continue in my current role as a PRINCIPAL, yet branch out and expand my horizons by working and collaborating with other schools and school districts on improving educational best practices.
Now more than ever, those on the front lines of education who come to school every day to change the trajectory of our youth need our best. They need school administrators to be solution-driven, student focused, creative, collaborative leaders who have the ability to expand their horizons by bringing others on campus along through leadership opportunities. By changing the culture, you change the tone. By changing the tone, you change the trajectory of students. That is what we signed up to accomplish.